More about S. James Meyer

S.JAMES (STEVE) MEYER is the best-selling author of several books including Living with Real Presence—Eucharist as an Approach to Life, Live Like You Mean It—Reimagining Purpose and Vocation, God Plays a Purple Banjo, Jesus Wears Socks with Sandals, and How to Talk Catholic and Still Get Lunch Invitations. As an ordained deacon serving in the Diocese of Green Bay, Steve co-founded StreetLights Outreach and Whatsoever You Do, Inc., and he was instrumental in the start-up of St. John’s Homeless Shelter. He is a nationally recognized speaker and humorist, the father of three adult sons, and the husband of one wife who, he claims, people understandably like better than him. His latest work, Talking Out of Church—10 Ways to Connect with People Who aren’t in Our Pews, is being released in 2025. He is also a monthly contributor to the Living with Christ monthly missal.