
SALE - Rejoice and Be Glad

Group Reading Guide to Pope Francis’ Gaudete et Exsultate


Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad), Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation on holiness, uses Scripture and the witness of the saints (both canonized and those holy people we already know), to demonstrate that God’s call to holiness is for each and every one of us. Moving, inspirational, and, yes, joyous, Rejoice and Be Glad will surely guide our faith for years to come. In this plain English study guide, acclaimed scholar and theologian Bill Huebsch makes Pope Francis’ message even more accessible, with paraphrased summaries of each numbered section, and prayerful discussion and reflection questions that can help each of us see how Francis' words apply to our own lives.

Perfect for small groups or individual study, this easy-to-use guide can help all believers understand, celebrate, and live Francis’ message of gospel joy, love, and peace.

48 pages  |  5.5" x 8.5"


Author Bill Huebsch is a well-known national speaker and Vatican II scholar. He is author of several group reading guides including The Joy of the Gospel and On Care for Our Common Home.

Product code : 853774
Regular price $1.05
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